honest , hard worker ,know my self , down to earth
Como você descreveria seu parceiro ideal?
lovely ,loyal, fair ,and honest, knows what she want in life and not materialistic, i want a woman to love to have her family and believe that her family is her most important thing in her life , to love her husband and her kids
Se você tivesse 10 milhões de dólares para gastar, o que você faria com isso?
I am giving away half of the poor reconstruction of the church and the rest is bought for the future of my children, homes and real estate
Quantas vezes, e de quem você pede conselhos?
Qual qualidade você mais valoriza nas pessoas do seu sexo?
i respect all people and i try to have a good relations with all people , i do not like to have enemies in my life , it is very important for me to have a strong relations with all
Qual qualidade você mais valoriza no sexo oposto?
to be friendly
Os últimos livros que você leu?
Quais são suas metas agora?
to find the wright person for married and to have a calm and happy life with her , i mean to make a family
Quem você admira?
Russian or Ukraine woman and the woman which i want she must be Christian
Você tem muitos amigos?
not allot and not less , i have a few friends
Quais qualidades você mais antipatiza nas pessoas do sexo oposto?
when she speak loud voice and has a bad smell .
O que gostaria de mudar em você?
nothing !
Quais são seus defeitos?
I believe in second when someone comes to me and speak with all his strength for a tragedy or a problem in his life,I am passionate and this one is not good in this time in our life .
Quais são seus pontos fortes?
i think to away and i organize my self for future ,i work hardly , and i know my enemy quickly
Como amigos te vêem?
from the school and from my work life
Como conhecidos te vêem?
They like me because I am a modest , and not conceited .because i am from very grater family and i get young in a very nice street in our city ,they are very glad that i am not conceited .
Quais são seus jogos favoritos?
Quem são seus escritores e poetas favoritos?
Xachadur Abovyan ,Hagop Baronyan , william Saroian
Quais tipos de música você gosta?
Armenian Russian Arabic and Greek musics
Qual é sua comida favorita?
chicken with potato
Quais são seus filmes favoritos?
Mexican Series and American films Romance, and historical films
Qual é sua atividade ou hobby favorito?
driving a bicycle and swim
Conte-nos sobre seu parceiro dos sonhos.
first to be ready to start a new life with me , to believe that married is something she can do it 1 time in her life and to spent all her life with her husband , to be stronger with her husband in life hard situations ,to enjoy to take care to her kids and to love her home
Onde você quer viver?
Medalha por tenacidade
Mestre das Virtudes
Mestre da Atividade
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