Famiglia, relazione a lungo termine Welfare/benessere Salute Comunicazione
Vostro reddito:
Vivo con una pensione / welfare
In mio possesso:
Alloggio / appartamento, Automobile
Dove vivi?:
Alloggio indipendente / appartamento
Cosa ne pensi circa le spese di viaggio:
Sono d'accordo a pagare
Laurea / Specializzazione
Che religione professi?:
Spirituale ma non religioso
Il mio partner
40 - 64
45.4 - 77.18 kg
150 - 178 cm
Colore degli occhi:
Colore dei capelli:
Va bene se hanno figli?:
Bevande alcoliche:
Di tanto in tanto(in compagnia)
Etnia della partner:
Hobby e interessi
Mi tengo il mio spazio
Sempre pulita per gli amici
Durante le feste sono
Beh dipende.... Perchè sono invitata/o?
Quando si tratta di soldi
Alcuni li spendo, altri li risparmio
Quando si tratta della TV
Preferisco spegnere
Ti piace mangiare fuori?
Mi fa piacere
Quanto spesso ti piace uscire?
Due volte per settimana
Ti piace cucinare?
Devo cucinare
Ti piace fare shopping?
Non ho niente in contrario
Ti piace comprare da mangiare?
Me la cavo
Ti piace il giardinaggio?
Mi piace aiutare
Preferirei abitare in
casa sulla spiaggia
Interesse per gli animali domestici
Non ce l'ho, ma amo Volatili, Rettili, Pesci, Cani, Gatti
Che programmi televisivi preferisci guardare?
Notizie, Film gialli/Thriller, Cinema, Documentario, Affari / Dibattiti, Commedia
Passo il tempo libero
Praticando atletica, Leggendo qualche libro interessante, Con la famiglia, Visitando un museo o una galleria, Seguendo delle lezioni, Praticando il mio hobby, Facendo una passeggiata
I consider myself to be a fairly open and friendly person. I love to explore the city, like to walk. Also to run, swim and play tennis. Avid reader and interested in foreign languages, world affairs, and lively conversation. Prefer honesty over evasion, quiet personal discussions over boisterous cheerfulness. I take the road less traveled, usually. Adaptable, but firm; committed, but relaxed. Definitely open to new things
Come descriveresti il tuo partner ideale?
I would like to meet someone with whom I would perhaps be able to share some life of the mind. I am interested in the intellectual side of things , and someone with whom I could discuss books, plays, ideas, our own personal goals and dreams--all of that would be much appreciated by me. I would like to meet someone who shares some of my interest in physical activities, such as running, walking jogging, swimming, or gym workouts. i would like to be able to participate in some of these activities with the lady who is part of my life.
Se fra 30 giorni finisse il mondo, cosa vorresti fare?
I would spend a lot of time trying to contact the people who are most important to me in this world. I would try to spend a lot of time reading and reflecting.
Se trovassi 10 milioni di dollari come li spenderesti?
I would try to start a foundation for the study of accurate reporting, and accurate news broadcasting, so that ordinary, everyday people sitting in their homes and watching the news on television or on their computer, would be getting accurate, unbiased information, not information that is twisted to reflect the point of view of some special interest group.
Quanto spesso e a chi chiedi consiglio?
I have friends and other helping people in my life, who have been able to help me with advice when i sought it out from them.
Qual è il tratto caratteriale che apprezzi di più del tuo sesso?
Honesty openness and direct expression of their point of view.
Che tratto del carattere dell'altro sesso apprezzi di piu`?
Also honesty, openness and direct expression of their point of view. An ability to speak clearly and honestly at all times, if possible.
Che evento importante è successo ultimamente nella tua vita?
I discovered that one of the dating websites that i had been using and relying upon for a long time, was, perhaps, not as trustworthy and transparent, as I had assumed.
Che consiglio importante daresti ai tuoi figli?
Do not always live your life according to what feels right at any given moment. Develop a plan that you can follow, and then talk it over with trusted friends and advisors.
Cosa ti ha veramente impressionato?
The knowledge that human life life has so little value, in the eyes of so many ruling elites, throughout the world.
Quali libri hai letto ultimamente?
Soviet Fates and Lost Alternatives, by S. F. Cohen. First Russian Reader, by V. Zhubakin How to Refuse to Make Yourself Miserable About Anything, Yes Anything, by A.Ellis
Quali sono i tuoi scopi nella vita oggi?
To find the person with whom I could share my life, and to build a comfortable and engaging lifestyle.
Chi ammiri?
People who stand up for the truth, and who are not intimidated by all the trappings of power and privilege. People who refuse to give in to despair and to drudgery, who struggle to live a life that is interesting and sparkles with some vitality and life.
Hai molti amici?
Not very many, but I am always trying to meet new people.
Quali tratti del carattere delle persone del tuo sesso non ti piacciono?
Tendency to dominate or to control others.
Che tratti del carattere della gente dell'altro sesso non ti piacciono?
Tendency to be deceptive and to not be honest at times.
Vorresti cambiare qualcosa in te stesso?
I am lazy, that is the vice that i would most like to rid myself of.
Quali sono i tuoi difetti?
I do not show enough consistent effort, I am easily bored or easily give up on a tough assignment.
Quali sono i tuoi pregi?
I can be very articulate and thoughtful. Sometimes I can put my finger on the essential element of a complicated situation.
Come ti vedono i tuoi amici?
I am not sure--perhaps as a little stodgy and unwilling to take risks or try something new.
Come ti vedono i tuoi conoscenti?
Hard to say, maybe they see me as acting somewhat younger than my age.
Quali sono i tuoi giochi preferiti?
Tennis, soccer, racquetball, basketball.
Chi sono i tuoi scrittori e poeti preferiti?
Stephen Cohen, Vadim Zubakin, Charles Dickens, George Eliot, John Dos Passos
Quale genere di musica ti piace?
Classical music, acoustic Jazz, Broadway Show music, classic popular songs
Qual'è il tuo cibo preferito?
tunafish sandwiches, French toast, eggs, pizza
Quali sono i tuoi film preferiti?
The films of Ingmar Bergman, Federico Fellini, Bernardo Bertolucci, Francoise Truffaut, John Ford, Howard Hawkes
Quali sono le tue favole preferite?
Little Red Riding Hood
Qual'è il tuo passatempo preferito?
Foreign Languages
Qual'è il lavoro dei tuoi sogni?
Developing a more effective way to teach foreign languages.
La (il) partner che sogno
I would like to meet someone with whom I would perhaps be able to share some life of the mind. I am interested in the intellectual side of things , and someone with whom I could discuss books, plays, ideas, our own personal goals and dreams--all of that would be much appreciated by me.
Dove vorresti vivere?
A house by the sea is many people's dream--this would also appeal to me. I would also, though, like to live in a friendly relaxed and casual community, where I knew most if not all of my neighbors.
Medaglia per Tenacia
Maestro di virtù
Maestro di attività
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