Aaron, 66 años, Reino Unido, Londres
Verificación de teléfono
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Porcentaje de respuesta: 70%
Información principal
Nombre: Aaron
Edad: 66
Ubicación: Reino Unido, Londres
Signo del Zodiaco: Acuario
Peso: 95Kgs
Altura: 173cm
Color de ojos: Café
Color del cabello: Negro
Tipo de cuerpo: Unas pocas libras de más
Frecuencia con que fuma: Nunca
Frecuencia con la que bebe: Ocasionalmente (socialmente)
Tu tipo de actividad: Soy madrugador/a (me gusta levantarme temprano
Con información:
Verificación de teléfono
Inglés 5(fluído)
Francés 1(Básico)
Estado civil: Soltero/a
Quiero tener hijos: Indeciso
¿ Estás dispuesto a mudarte?:
Estoy de acuerdo en quedarme en mi ciudad
Estoy de acuerdo en mudarme dentro de mi país
Estoy de acuerdo en mudarme a otro país
Tus prioridades en la vida:
Familia, relación a largo plazo
Equilibrio mental
Tus ingresos: Ingresos medios fijos
¿ Qué opinas de los gastos del viaje y el encuentro?: Yo estoy de acuerdo en pagar
Estudios: Algún universitario
Sector laboral: Otro
¿Qué religión profesa?: Cristiano
Mi pareja
Edad: 35 - 60
País: Cualquiera
Peso: 47.67 - 88.53 Kgs
Altura: 150 - 183 cm
Color de ojos: Cualquiera
Color del cabello: Cualquiera
¿ Es correcto que ellos tengan niños?: No
Tipo de cuerpo: Cualquiera
Fuma: Ocasionalmente
Bebidas: Ocasionalmente (socialmente)
Grupo étnico: Cualquiera
Pasatiempos e intereses
¿Cuánto disfrutas de otros clases de compras?
Me gusta un poco
Tu lugar ideal para vivir
casa en los barrios residenciales
¿Te gusta la jardinería?
Me gusta un poco la jardinería
¿Te gusta cocinar?
Realmente me gusta cocinar
¿Te gusta salir?
Una vez a la semana
¿ Te gusta cenar fuera?
Me gusta mucho
En relación a la TV
Prefiero las noticias
En relación al dinero
Lo gasto en cuanto lo recibo
En una fiesta me describiría como
Eso depende ¿estoy invitado?
Mantengo mi espacio
Siempre limpio para la compañía
¿Te gusta ir a comprar la comida?
De paso
Mascotas y yo
No tengo pero me gustan Gatos, Perros, Peces, Reptiles, Pájaros, Mascotas exóticas, Roedores
¿Qué clase de programas de televisión le gustan más?
Ciencia ficción, Deportes, Noticias, Caricaturas, Naturaleza/vida salvaje, Misterio/suspenso, Películas, Educativo, Drama, Documental, Asuntos actuales/debates, Comedia
Cómo me gusta pasar el tiempo libre
Hacer deporte, Con la familia, No hacer nada, Visitar museos o galerías, Hacer la siesta, Buscando un pasatiempo, Ver la TV o una película, Dar un paseo, Estar entre amigos, En la naturaleza, Jugar con el Ordenador, Navegar por Internet, Bailar en discotecas
Actividades con las que disfruto
Pasear, Hacer Pesas, Bailar, Otros, Correr/marcha
Mis deportes favoritos (practicar/ver)
Carreras de Coches, Basquet, Deportes extremos, Futbol americano, Hockey, Deportes olímpicos, Futbol, Bolos, Submarinismo, Patinaje artístico
Mis entretenimientos favoritos
Bares/cantinas, Conciertos, Clubs de baile, Fiestas, Desfiles de modas, Cena de lujo, Cines, Museo/arte, Clásicos musicales, Jazz/r, Música pop, Rap, Lectura, Navegar por internet, Tv educativa/noticias, Tv de entretenimiento
Otros pasatiempos y actividades que me interesan
Antigüedades, Coleccionista, Computadoras, Familia/niños, Cocina de Gourmet, Noticias/política/eventos, Fotografía, Viajar, Gatos
Responda algunas preguntas
¿Cómo te describes?
laid back, kind, high principled, non-aggressive gentleman, very unlucky in love! Stubborn, quirky and well mannered. I have been told I have immense charm, a good listener and have a great affinity towards people who are not as fortunate as myself.
I am single and have never been married, of course I have had opportunities but for many reasons marriage did not happen.
Just to be very clear - I am not using this site for 'entertainment' purposes!

I am a British passport holder - I was born and raised in London; friends and acquaintances tell me that I have a posh, well spoken, London accent. My parents were born in Ghana (West African). Ghanaians are renowned for being kind,educated, gentle people. We tend to be very welcoming, open and honest.

Quite passionate with the right partner (of course). I try to go to the gym on a regular basis. I enjoy cooking, travelling and the arts in general. Lucky enough, I have managed to travel to a few countries. It would be nice to find someone who enjoys travelling, also. I do not have many bad habits, I never smoke or take drugs unless via a doctor, I drink in moderation, I am not an former convict!!!

Of course, I am by no means, perfect and I do not pretend to be.
¿Cómo describirías a tu pareja ideal?
Honest, sincere, kind, tactile, good sense of humour and well spoken. Hope she has a good mixture of being mentally mature and able to have fun. She must be flexible as to where she would like to live. Of course a great personality is much more important for an enduring marriage than great looks. However, I do like beautiful women. Basically, a lady with good qualities, style and class - am I asking for too much?

My ideal partner must be mentally strong - there are so many stupid, racist people in this world. She must be strong enough and have the ability to ignore any comments she may receive from very stupid individuals. Such is are the challenges ignorance gives us.

There’s a famous Russian saying that says that the Man may be the head of the family but his wife is the neck that turns the head into the direction it wants! I do not seek a maid, rather someone who will be an equal partner. I want to give my beloved all the support she requires and deserves. Hopefully, I would receive the same.

It would be nice if she shared some of my interests, as well as having her own. I would prefer is she is either learning English language or obviously is able to understand well.
Si fuera el fin del mundo en 30 días, ¿qué haría?
Si tuviera 10 millones de dólares para gastarlos, ¿qué haría?
Give some to my relatives, especially the ones in Ghana. Also, I would set up a charity designed to help young people find some direction in their lives.
¿ A quién pides consejos y con cuánta frecuencia?
Not often................! This trait is one of my major faults. I tend not to listen and can be quite stubborn. However, I am trying to become more flexible - it is hard work, but I am willing to improve!
¿ Qué cualidades consideras qué son las más importantes en la gente de tu mismo sexo?
No idea...............! Who cares???
I guess honesty, not arrogant nor vulgar.
¿ Qué cualidades considera que son las más importantes en la gente del sexo opuesto?
Gentle nature, well spoken, patience, understanding, intelligence, good sense of humour. I would be lying if said I don't admire good looks....................!
¿ Cuál es el evento reciente más importante en su vida?
I worked and lived in Zurich for 5 months. I also worked in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). This opportunity has affected me in a positive. Great to see new cultures for almost a year. Gives me a better understanding of human beings.
¿ El principal consejo qué le dará a sus hijos?
Always try and treat others with dignity and respect, work hard, find a nice partner. Obey the law but think for yourself and maintain an inquiring mind. Life is not easy, do not expect to achieve without much hard work. Find an occupation which suits you -do not always follow the conventional route.
¿ Qué le ha producido la mayor impresión (trauma) en su vida?
The death of my Father; the sudden death of my younger Brother at age 28 years, in 2010. Another death of a brother in October 2016.
Death of Princess Diana. Death of Nelson Mandela
¿ El último libro que leíste?
Tend to read educational texts. I would like to read more works concerning other cultures and history. I will try and read some 'Russian' books, this year. Obviously, I refer to all the former states.

I recently read Mikhail Bulgakov 'The Heart of a Dog'. Very interesting.......
¿Cuáles son tus metas ahora?
To be happy with a lovely lady - hopefully have a child.
To be able to establish a very good business. I find it difficult working for someone else - modern day slave labour, in my view.
¿A quién admiras?
Kofi Annan, Princess Diana, Nelson Mandela, Nicole Kidman and anybody involved with Arsenal Football Club.
¿Tienes muchos amigos?
No......in my own humble opinion, it is best to maintain a healthy mistrust of people, until you know them very well.

Acquaintances - I have in abundance.
¿Qué cualidades te disgustan más en la gente de tu sexo?
Arrogance, sly, dishonesty, racist attitudes (without a clear, intelligent, thought out reason why) and vulgarity.I dislike anybody that takes advantage of others less intelligent, weaker or vunerable than themselves. Racist's - the world has no place for you and your attitudes - wake up and smell the coffee!!! Grrrrrrrr..........!!!!!!
¿Qué cualidades te disgustan más en la gente del sexo opuesto?
Dishonesty and vulgarity - the usual traits one expects from a man who is ignorant.
¿Qué te gustaría cambiar en ti?
I would like to be taller, thiner and with more confidence. It is unfortunate that I am unable to make all these changes. However, I have recently lost 20 excess kilos!! I still eat far too much, but, (at present) it is not a crime to love good food!

Also, I have been told that I 'think too much'. I agree - (perhaps) which is why I have used dating sites for 3 years without finding a partner. However, I cannot blame myself entirely for this.............I have admired and communicated with woman; then they have disappeared. Without trace. I am sure that I have make mistakes whereby I have neglected a few nice women because of my interactivity on communication. Sigh..........
¿ Cuáles son tus defectos o tus principales errores?
Sometimes lack patience, tend to dislike people who do not work as hard as they should. I tend be somewhat naive, this has been proven very recently! Additionally, I do tend to be too honest - sometimes, this is not such a good trait as people will try and take advantage. I can be very stubborn - especially, if I think I am right. Which of course, I am always..................!

Mis méritos
Honest, considerate, hard working, very determined, sincere, non-aggressive gentleman with a great sense of humour.
¿Cómo me ven mis amigos?
Quirky, difficult to fathom, articulate. Perhaps too stubborn, at times.I have been told recently by a couple of work colleagues on separate occasions, that I have charisma. Not sure about that.................... 
¿Cómo me ven mis conocidos?
Warm, articulate, funny. However, I have a defence mechanism which is sometimes difficult to get through.
Mis juegos favoritos
Football, chess, table-tennis, tennis. I want to learn how to play golf, enjoy watching cricket, understand Polo and Rugby. Purely for the purposes of business - many of my potential future clients will like such activities.
Mi escritores y poetas favoritos
I have a few - John Grisham? I am currently reading a murder mystery by Hakan Nesser - he is very, very good!!
Mi música favorita
I like most types of music, apart from Country and Western (SORRY).
Mi comida favorita
I like to eat healthy organic produce..........however, steak and fries is my favourite.
Mis películas favoritas
I like all types of films, even romantic!
Mis cuentos de hadas favoritos
I am far too old for fairy-tales...............!
Mi pasatiempo favorito
Watching fooball, cooking, travelling, watching documentaries, listening to radio plays, playing chess, photography. Of course, I have many others.....................!
¿ Qué trabajo desearía tener?
Head of a successful home online business. Or, a Financial Advisor with my own business - why do the work oneself when one can employ other people? 2024...now I am almost retired, I don't care, but maybe online Trading.
El compañero que le gustaría tener.
Pretty, very intelligent with a fantastic sense of humour! Well - it is a dream.................
¿ En qué lugar le gustaría vivir?
Somewhere warm....maybe Asia, Portugal or Ghana,the birth place of my parents.
I would like to live somewhere other than England - it is too cold and expensive.
However, I cannot really complain about the Country where I was born and raised! I suppose, as long as I am with a good woman, where I live is not so important, do you agree? 2024...now I am thinking of living in The Philippines, or Turkey (as a base) then living in other countries 3 months of the year.
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