Sportování, Oběd s přáteli, S rodinou, Nedělám vůbec nic, Návštěva muzea či galerie, Doháním nestihlé domácí práce, Věnuji se koníčkům, Sleduji televizi nebo film, Na procházce, Mezi přáteli, V přírodě, Brouzdání po internetu
Činnosti, které mě baví
Turistika, Tanec, Plavání, Procházky
Sporty, které rád sleduji / dělám
Automobilový závod, Fotbal, Olympijské sporty
Druhy zábavy, které mě baví
Dobré jídlo, Filmy, Muzea / umění, Klasická hudba, Country hudba, Jazzová hudba, Pop hudba, Rap, Rock, Vzdělávací TV / zpravodajství, Tv Zábava
Ostatní koníčky a zájmy
Počítače, Novinky / Politika / Události, Foto, Sociální práce / aktivismus, Cestování
Odpovědi na několik otázek
Jak byste charakterizoval sám sebe?
I`m a very soft hearted and humoristic person.I am very patient and caring.Have a full time job and some hobbies.My hobbies are dancing (disco,pop ,latin dance - salsa ,merengue - soul ,r&b and funk), fitness ,swimming and photography.I love to laugh but can also be serious.I like to dress casual or if it`s necessary dress formal.I have an athlethic build ,my eyes are brown and my hair is black.I want to look well so I take care of myself and my attitude.I respect the elderly.
I will teach my partner to dance the salsa or merengue.Or we can also dance the Soca.Do you know this song "Soca dance" from Arrow ?Or how about this merengue "Celosa" from La Makina.Maybe you will like a salsa disco "Latinos" from Proyecto Uno ?
Or we can dance some romantic ballad - "Love me , please love me" from Michel Polnareff (I have just posted a list of some of my favourite love songs)
So , are YOU with me , on the dance floor ?? I also like this disco song "Just an illusion" from Imagination - So put your dancing shoes on !
Jak byste popsal vašeho ideálního partnera?
I`m looking for a nice and lovely lady who is very broad minded.Who has style and sense of humor.She is sportive and feminine with a charming attitude.She is patient and has affection towards other human beings.She takes life as it comes but she is also ambitious.She is careful and shows respect for others.
Co budete dělat, když zjistíte, že za 30 dní bude konec světa?
Spend as much time , as possible , with all the people , who are very close to me.And share the waiting and the uncertaintity , of what is going to come , with them.And try to keep them calm.
Pokud byste měli navíc 10 miliónů dolarů, jak byste s nimi naložili?
At this moment , I do not have that amount , so , I will wait , when it is really mine.Oke??
S kým a jak často se radíte?
Until now , I did not had to ask advice , for things.Unless it is , to fill in , my income tax , form )))))
Čeho si nejvíce ceníte na lidech vašeho pohlaví?
That they are real ,down to earth, and honest.No macho behaviour or other sort of expression ,to prove , that they are a man.
Čeho si nejvíce ceníte na lidech opačné pohlaví?
Oh , that is a tricky one.But if they will try , to see me in the first place as a human being , and secondly as a man , that would be great.And then maybe , they can understand ,why we men , think , like we do.And that would be a big plus.
In todays world , with the #MeToo movement , do women see men now in a different way ???
Poslední zásadní událost ve vašem životě?
I will keep this as a personal matter.But I am oke.
Mezi hlavní rady, které dáváte svým dětem?
At this moment , I do not have children
Co Vás nejvíce zapůsobilo v životě?
The child abuse within the Catholic Church and the efforts to cover it up .... And the investigation is showing that it is far more widespread and bigger than people were thinking.
Kterou poslední knihu jste četli?
Are a computer - ,a photoshop - and a photographer - magazine
Jaké jsou vaše cíle nyní?
To find a sincere and lovely wife , in Russia , Eastern Europe or the Ukraine , and to be happy with her
Koho obdivujete?
Pope Franciscus - he is down to earth , and tries his best
Máte hodně přátel?
Not so many.Because I have very strict principles , and my friends , should have the same qualities
Jaké vlastnosti se vám nelíbí na lidech vašeho pohlaví?
Laziness , showing off , people who always wants to be nr 1 , macho behaviour and bragging
Jaké vlastnosti se vám nelíbí na sobě?
Impatience ,jealousy ,rude language ,dishonesty
Co bych chtěl na sobě změnit?
Very difficult , but maybe my future partner , can tell me , what to change
Moje chyby?
Going to bed late , and getting up late (sometimes)
Moje hodnoty?
Decisive , resolute , patience ,telling things to my partner in a diplomatic way , and communication with my partner
Jak vidím své přátele?
As a friendly and amusing person
Jak moji známí vidí mě?
As someone who always makes jokes and likes to laugh
Moje oblíbené hry?
I don`t play (them)- that is if you mean computer games ?
Můj oblíbený spisovatelé a básníci?
Unfortunately , I don`t have them.But Shakespeare is good
Moje oblíbená hudba?
Disco , pop , rock , jazz , latin music , easy listening , some classical music . I mean to listen and / or dance to these songs
Moje oblíbené jídlo?
I try to eat a variety of food . But borsh is good
Moje oblíbené filmy?
Thriller , adventure , action , comedy , sci-fi .Although sometimes I can watch a sentimental , romantic movie too
Moje oblíbené pohádkové příběhy-?
Moje oblíbená zábava?
Working/repairing on a computer , or a tv or some other device.Also photography , dancing and fitness , and listening to music
Práce, kterou bych chtěl dělat?
Still dreaming about it .....
Napište něco o svém vysněném partnerovi.
see above
Místo, kde chci žít?
It doesn`t really matter , but I can live in Odessa in the Ukraine , when I find my future bride there Or in any other country in E Europe
Medaile za houževnatost
Mistr témat
Mistr diskuzí
Mistr vědění
Mistr ctnosti
Mistr aktivity
Ukaž profily uživatelů podobného věku, kteří jsou nyní připojení