Carlton, 61 år gammel., USA, Snellville
Siste besøk:
Svarfrekvens: 100%
Fornavn: Carlton
Alder: 61
Sted: USA, Snellville
Stjernetegn: Løven
Vekt: 107kg
Høyde: 170cm
Øyefarge: Brun
Hårfarge: Svart
Kroppstype: Muskuløs
Røykefrekvens: Aldri
Drikke frekvens: Av og til (kun i sosiale sammenheng)
Din type aktivitet: Det spiller ingen rolle
Med følgende kriterier:
Har du barn?:
39 år gammel. gutt, bor ikke hjemme
44 år gammel. gutt, bor ikke hjemme
Tysk Grunnleggende
Sivilstatus: Skilt
Vil ha barn: Nei
Er du villig til å flytte?:
Jeg aksepterer i å bli i min hjemby
Jeg aksepterer i å flytte innenfor mitt eget land
Jeg aksepterer å flytte til et annet land
Dine prioriteringer i livet:
Familie, langvarig forhold
Balansert sinn
Din inntekt: Veldig høy inntekt
På min eiendom: Et hus/hytte, Bil, Motorsykkel, Forretning
Hvor bor du?: Eget hus/hytte
Hva mener du om utgifter til reiser og møter: Jeg kan betale
Utdannelse: Noe skolegang
Jobbtittel: Pensjonist
Hvilken religion praktiserer du?: Kristen
Min partner
Alder: 38 - 53
Land: Alle
Vekt: 52.21 - 77.18 kg
Høyde: 163 - 185 cm
Øyefarge: Alle
Hårfarge: Alle
Er det i orden at de har barn?: Ja
Kroppstype: Slank, Gjennomsnittlig, Muskuløs, Et par ekstra kilo, tynn, Atletisk
Røyk: Aldri
Drikkevaner: Av og til (kun i sosiale sammenheng)
Etnisk preferanse: Alle
Hobbyer og interesser
Liker jeg hagearbeid?
Jeg elsker hagearbeid
Liker jeg andre typer shopping?
Jeg liker det veldig mye
Hvor ofte liker jeg å gå ut?
1 gang i uka
Liker jeg å spise ute?
Jeg elsker det
Når det kommer til TV
Foretrekker en film
Beskriver meg selv på en fest som en
Upartisk observatør
Holder plassen min
Det er rent og pent
Liker jeg å handle mat?
Jeg liker det veldig mye
Når det kommer til penger
Jeg kjøper bare det jeg trenger, og sparer resten
Ideelt sett vil jeg gjerne bo i en
Hytte ved sjøen
Preferanse for kjæledyr
Har ikke, men liker Hunder, Fisk, Fugler
Hva slags TV-programmer liker jeg å se mest på?
Sciens fiksjon, Sport, Nyheter, Natur/dyreprogram, Skrekk, Pedagogiske, Dokumentar, Aktuelt/debatt
Jeg liker å bruke fritiden min til
Gjør noe fysisk, Setter meg ned med en bok, Har lunsj med en venn, Er sammen med familien, Shopping, Pusler i hagen, Driver på med en hobby
Aktiviteter som jeg liker
Sykling, Haiker, Andre ting, Jogger/løper, Svømmer, Går, Løfter vekter, Hesteridning
Sport som jeg liker å se på og/eller spille
Basketball, Bowling, Fotball
Underholdningsformer som jeg liker
Brett spill, Konserter, Filmer, Pop musikk, Leser, Tv Opplæringsprogrammer/nyheter
Andre hobbyer eller interesser
Antikviteter, biler, kreativ skriving, hage arbeid, oppussing i hjemmet, motorsykler, reiser
Svar på noen spørsmål
Hvordan vil du beskrive deg selv?
I am well educated, intelligent gentleman. I was able to retire at age thirty-eight, then a few years later started two business to keep me busy. I believe in a serious relationship with someone who I can share my life with. My friends describe me as hard working, highly motivated, honest, compassionated, trustworthy, respectful and active. I am a very easy person to talk with. A man should ensure his other half feel protected, safe, and always listen to what she has to say. Behind every good man is a strong woman that gives advice and encourages him. When life gets tough I cope very well and will find a solution to fix the problem. I am always enthusiastic and love a challenge. I am looking for a true woman in word and deed. I believe in effective listing and don't speak untile sure of what I am talking about. I make the best of each day. I have a home in both the city and country and do my best to stay in both when possible. In the near future, I plan on working on a passionate project I always wanted to do.
Hvordan vil du beskrive din ideelle partner?
I read these top ten which is so beautiful. I adopted them!

10 Reasons Why I Would Be Your Best Girlfriend Ever:

10. You will see me wearing sexy lingerie more than “comfortable” undies.

9. You won’t hear me nag and complain because I don’t sweat the small stuff.

8. You will be proud to have me on your arm when we go out in public and your friends will probably be envious.

7. You will never, ever compete with me.

6. You will be nicely surprised when I kiss you passionately at unexpected times and in unexpected places.

5. You will never see me roll my eyes at you when you say something because I will respect you.

4. You will see my smile far more often than my frown.

3. You will find yourself thinking seriously about my observations on life and current events.

2. You won’t be holding my purse at the shoe store. You won’t even BE at the shoe store with me.

1. You rarely, if ever, hear these awful words: “I’m not in the mood
Hvis du visste at verden skulle gå under om 30 dager, hva vil du gjøre?
Reflect, enjoy and try to find out a way to survive with the people I love. Also, try to find a was to save the world.
Hvis du hadde ti millioner dollar til overs, hva vil du gjøre med det?
Help people to start their own business. Teach a man to fish he will continue to eat. Donate some to help other.
Hvor ofte og hvem spør du til råds?
I read a lot and always try to fins answers from people who are a little wiser in books. I talk with some friends who are close but don't really share a lot of personnel issues. I have alway made smart decisions. I believe if you have to think very hard about a decision usually it's the wrong one.
Hvilke kvaliteter setter du høyest hos folk av samme kjønn?
loyalty, true fullness, giving, volunteers to help others.
Hvilke kvaliteter setter du høyest hos folk av motsatt kjønn?
loyalty, true fullness, giving, volunteers to help others.
Hva er den siste fremtredende begivenhet i livet ditt, og hvordan har det påvirket deg?
There are always something that will shape your life either good are bad. Life carries you through many events which shape your personality. For me was unfaithfulness that hurts and cause me some pain. Life is short and you must not live in the past. I decided to move forward toward the future. I remember my son telling me! Dad getting the devoice was the best thing that could every happen. Those words carried power in knowing I made the right decision. Today I look forward not backward.
Hva er det beste rådet du vil gi barna dine?
Work at what you love as if your life depended on it. Go through life happy every day happy. Threat everyone nice and become a giver.
Hva har gjort det største inntrykket (sjokk) på deg?
Doing what you love, and love what you do.
Siste boken du leste?
Think and grow rich, and the book I am writing.
Hvordan er dine fremtidsutsikter nå?
Continue to grow my business, Marriage, travel, and true Love.
Hvem beundrer du mest?
My grown-up son who has become a good man.
Har du mange venner?
I do not have lots of friends. I do know a lot of people.
Hvilke kvaliteter misliker du mest hos folk av eget kjønn?
Hvilke kvaliteter misliker du mest hos folk av motsatt kjønn?
Hva ville du likt å endre på deg selv?
Find my best friend who I can spend the rest of my life with. Someone with whom we can share our thought and views with and be happy. True love.
Hva er dine svakheter?
I will listen and not give advice sometimes.
Hva er dine styrker?
courage, candor, commitment, confident, hard working, will find an answer to issues, effective listener,
Hvordan ser venner på deg?
Hard working, confident, truthful,
Hvordan ser bekjente på deg?
Quite, happy in a cool way. Really down to earth
Hva er dine favorittspill?
Football, Basketball,
Hvem er dine favorittforfattere og poeter?
Papa Hemingway once said "there is no friend as loyal as a book
Carter Godwin Woodson was an African-American historian, author, journalist and the founder of the Association for the Study of African American Life and History. Woodson was one of the first scholars to study African-American history.
Born: December 19, 1875, New Canton, VA
Died: April 3, 1950, Washington, D.C.
Nationality: American
Education: Harvard University, University of Chicago, Berea College
Hva slags musikk liker du?
Soul, Rock, pop, some country
Hva er favoritt maten din?
Soul food and Mexican
Hva er favorittfilmene dine?
Action no particular one
Hva er ditt favoritt eventyr?
Peter - pan
Hva er din favorittaktivitet eller hobby?
Walking in nature, old cars and trucks, working out in the GYM and at home, traveling to different places.
Hva er din drømmejobb?
I have retired from my dream job serving in the U.S. military twenty years and started another.
Fortell oss om din drømmepartner.
My future wife and best friend.
Hvor vil du bo?
I live ten minute outside of a large city, and when time permits visit my country home spending time riding horses and just enjoying the peace and quite. I plan on getting another place on a beach not sure where yet.
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